.net C# Uncategorised

Why I completely switched to VS Code

…also for C#/.NET development…

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First I have to say that I like Visual Studio very much. It is a good working IDE for development .NET stuff. I used it for over ten years now for mobile, desktop and web development. Yes of course sometimes visual studio can a bit annoying because of it’s performance and “magic” behind the scenes. But at least it is a good Program…

However some weeks ago I needed to reinstall windows and began installing all the required programs which I needed. Then I stopped after installing VS Code and said to myself: “Hm my msdn professional abo has been ended and the next Visual Studio Version (2020) will cost me some money. Let’s try rider? Hm no – before I want give VS Code a real try!” This is because I use VS Code a lot for all my other developments like angular, go, flutter, etc. and I know this should work with .NET.

So my first expectation was that I get some syntax coloring and all the compiling, tests, etc. will be running in terminal, or have to be done in a not so common way.

My Experience

So I knew that I can use also VS Code, but I always thought, that I have to dispense a lot of features. Most of the devs I know work with Rider or Visual Studio Professional/Enterprise, because they thought the same like me. But I was totally surprised that it worked so well. Until now I miss nothing really. It’s quite the opposite. I am enjoying the fast editor and the customizing for the individual needs without manipulating the source of the project.

I started by installing the “C# (powered by OmniSharp)” plugin. That plugin provides syntax highlighting, reference recognition, debugging, etc. I tried this on an existing solution (The root folder where the solution is located needs to be opened). If you want to work with full support by C# plugin you have to work with solution files. When you want to debug your project for the first time, you have to set a launch file. Here you can specify the startproject etc. With this installed you can debug your code, set breakpoints, view variables, add watch expressions and modify the code (like in the immediate window in Visual Studio) within “Debug Console” window.

By the “Visual Studio IntelliCode” plugin you get the same AI intelli sense experience like in Visual Studio. And to get a more powerful importing namespace experience use the “Auto-Using for C#” plugin. It provides importing when typing knowing types. And for a better overview you can install the “vscode-icons”.

If you need a kind of “gui” for the nuget packages you can install the “NuGet Package Manager” plugin, but of course you can also use the dotnet cli for it.

Then I thought ok that is really cool but what is with unit tests. Can I run tests inside VS Code or do I have to use the cli? And the answer is – yes it is very easy possible. So you need first the “TestExplorer UI” and then the “.NET Core Test Explorer” plugin. After installing these you have a new icon on the left which opens the test explorer. You might have to edit the settings to specify on which locations the plugin should be search for unit tests. And then you can go with it.

For creating new solutions or adding projects to the existing solution you have to use the dotnet cli. I thought – but while I wrote this, I have done a quick research and I came to the “vscode-solution-explorer”. With this installed you have the same experience like in Visual Studio. On the left side (activity bar) you have an additional Visual Studio icon. By pressing it you have the same view like in Visual Studio. You can create projects add existing projects, view all references, add nuget packages, etc.

There are thousands of plugins how you can optimize your dev environment for your needs. So but I am happy with the plugins I have addressed here.

Plugin List

  • C# OmniSharp
  • Test Explorer UI
  • .NET Core Test Explorer
  • Auto-Using for C#
  • NuGet Package Manager
  • vscode-solution-explorer
  • Visual Studio IntelliCode

There are so many more useful C# helper plugins, for code generating etc. But to get started very comfortable this is my recommendation.


May be there are some tools which you will not get. For profiling, code quality and that stuff I use other tools in anyway which are then part of the pipeline… I really found nothing which I would miss.


So if I work on projects which runs on .NET Core or 5 then I will definitely choose VS Code for now. It feels good to work with. I do not get it why some guys say that VS Code is not so much powerful etc. I tried it and I think I will not install Visual Studio again, except to that point when I have to change some old webforms code :).

Refactoring, debugging, testing and writing the code feels very great to me and the setup was very easy. May be the entry is a little more difficult for new unexperienced users, but I think in Visual Studio you have to know what you are doing to! So give it a try and tell me your thoughts of your experience!

.net architecture C#

Skeleton for Vertical Layered Web API in .NET CORE

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…with fluent validation and automapping…

Today I just want to share a basic skeleton web api written in .net core. This is a kind of basic set up which works fine for microservices as well as some bigger ones. So I am a very big fan of not only horizontal layering ( see post Horizontal and Vertical Layers in Software Development). The example also shows how an application layer validation could e applied and how to easily map the items through the layers. So may be this helps the one or the other…

First the link to the source: layered-net-core-app

Some Description

So this skeleton app shows how an application could be split into vertical layers. This has multiple advantages (again see Horizontal and Vertical Layers in Software Development). Furthermore it shows with one example the flow of the data and connections from top (controller/application layer) to bottom (data layer). The data layer is only pseudo code and does not persist stuff, to focus on the layering and communication stuff.

The application has three layers:

  • Application Layer
  • Business Layer
  • Data Layer

…and several projects:

  • WebApi (Contains startup, adding middleware, setups, controller routings, forming the output and at least hosting the application)
  • WebApi.Configuration (DI bootstrapping / connecting the layers together)
  • WebApi.Common (Common stuff for the web api)
  • Application (The implementation of the application layer)
  • Application.Contract (The access to the application layer from outside the application layer)
  • Business (The implementation of the business layer)
  • Business.Contract (The access to the business layer from outside the business layer)
  • DataLayer (The implementation of the data layer)
  • DataLayer.Contract (The access to the data layer from outside the data layer)

Application Layer

The application layer is used here in this example by the web api project (Controllers). But the Controllers has only access to the application layer contracts. This allows us to avoid unwanted direct connection to use the implementation directly or to access business entities which knows the application layer implementation, but should not possible to expose by the api to the “outer world”. The application layer implementation knows only about the business layer contracts to communicate with it.

What this layer will does depends on the call and the needs for it. But from my perspective it is responsible for providing services for getting data from business/domain side and/or triggers domain/business logic. Furthermore it orchestrate all this needed calls to business logic and for example third party services to get/set the wanted result.

Business Layer

The business layer knows only about the data layers contracts. The business lay exposes only interfaces to use the layer and the business entities.

This layer should contain all the business/domain logic. All business relevant calculations and manipulations should occur here. No manipulation of business entities should be done outside of this layer.

Data Layer

The data layer knows only about the database or storage where all the data is persisted. The contracts from the data layer should only be used from the business logic to make sure that persisting data follows the rules inside the business layer. It is the connection to database and or storage. If provides repositories to store and get items from the database/storge.


This splitting is for the most services to much, but it demonstrates very well how the layer can securely communicate to each other. This pattern fits best for situations where no object relation mapper is used, because in entity framework the business entities are the tables in the data layer. So this layer is mostly a little overdone.

Personal I think a layering in microservices for an application layer and domain layer (where all the domain logic and data storage is handled ) is the best compromise to securely work with domain logic and have not total overhead of bubbling through thousands of layers. But this depends like every time on the needs of the application.

architecture Uncategorised

Horizontal and Vertical Layers in Software Development

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…and the ideas behind it

In this post I will share some ideas about structuring a software application. I will describe what horizontal and vertical layering for me is and show how they can be applied.


Layering an application is useful for having a better overview of the application it is clear what to expect in the specific layer. You have less complicated and non-transparent dependencies. This all applies for vertical and horizontal layers but take affect in a different way. At least you end up with a much more modular app which can be tested/unit tested more easily and is open for extension and different deployments.


In short vertical layering is about application layers inside a microservice, monolith, etc. – at least inside of single executable application. Horizontal layering is about splitting an application into different domains/services/components (e.g. microservice architecture). See the diagram below.

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Layering helps a lot to get a better overview over the application. It is much easier to find things, because you know what to expect in the specific layer. And it is always clear what I can do in the specific layer (because of the contracts in the specific layer). It prevents unwanted use of code in the wrong layer. For example (in .net webapi) exposing business entities to the outer world of a web api. Or accessing the data layer directly from the controller – and so on… (When you can manipulate entities where ever you are in the program it is dangerous and you will loose the control over them and it could be come to invalid manipulations, etc.)

Furthermore you automatically avoid cycling dependencies. For example – imagine you have two application services. Each service uses a business or domain service for creating and persisting the same business entity (and do their other specific service stuff…). Because of “sharing code in business layer” or better to put that business/domain logic into it, the possibility of cycling dependency is less than using all service in one layer, because it is then not clear what to use and what not.

It is not really the thing how many layers do you have (this depends on your needs), but you should have them and only expose access through a contract to the next upper layer. In the diagram you see how this is applied.

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For example in C# you can do this kind of separation in two ways. Imagine we have data, business and application layer.

First Method

You can create a project for every layer plus a contract for each one (like in the image). The data layer knows only it’s own contracts. The business layer knows from the data contract project and it’s own contract project. And the application layer knows only about business layer contract and it’s own project. With this you avoid directly accessing entities from the application layer.

Second Method

You can create a project for each layer (application, business and data). And put the contracts directly in folder from that specific project. The business layer knows the data layer. And the application layer know the business layer. So to avoid direct access to the implementation we can mark the implementation classes as internal and only the contracts as final.

I like the first approach a little more because it is directly more clear and I can share the contracts as a library easily without the implementations. But both are doing there job.


Horizontal layering is for me building and using components, or sometimes libraries but above all it is separating an application into different services.

For example microservices are a good example for horizontal layers. And/or splitting an application into multiple domains. And these domains are self contained and have no need to communicate with others. Then you have multiple services which are scalable and it is clear what they are doing. Of course sometimes/often services (when using DDD in subdomains) need to communicate, but this is mostly done over messages (message broker in microservices) and or service endpoints. So there is no direct use of domain logic outside the domain from the service.


So today I would say the most important thing is to have horizontal layering to provide better possibilities to scale the application and the other mentioned stuff. But I think it is also important to have vertical layering. The more code you have in one application the more it is important to have vertical layering. For example a monolith without vertical layers is absolutely horrible to maintain and I could bet the dependencies are very confusing and it is not really clear what will be used where… If had build your monolith/big service in vertical layers, it is much more easy to create horizontal layers from it. So for me both are layering styles are important and has partly similar and sometimes other advantages then the other.

If you questions or suggestions or if you see this completely different please make a comment and we can speak about it. I am always happy to hear perspectives from other devs.